Thank you Fred Wingfield, Jim Meehan and Gene'o Ctusi for sending me these fine pictures!

<-----------This was clearly a place of worship for the Monks. This temple or Buddah Shrine was a top Marble Mountain. Our foot patrols around 3rd Amtrac's peremiter would often take us past this Shrine which was always vacant of any activity, at least when we passed by it.

A picture of a French Bunker located outside of 3rd Amtrac Battalion area. It was left there by the French when they were fighting in Vietnam.---------->

<----------Picture of the southern gate leading out of 3rd Amtrac Battalion's area. I radioed in my first medevac on foot patrol not too far from this gate. See "Remembering Dusty."

Picture of 3rd Amtrac Battalion's front gate. Seen in this picture is an NVA flag captured from the enemy. Just outside this gate was Nui Kim Son Ville.---------------->

Picture of Marble Mountain taken from 3rd Amtrac's southern gate. Snipers would often lob rockets or take pot shots at us from this high vantage point. We did our best to patrol the mountain 24/7 but it was their country and they knew it well

A pic of our battalion area after a sapper attack on May 4th inside our wire. Some very brave Marines died that night; many were wonded but we ended the sapper assault by the following morning. (See "IN THE WIRE")

Picture of a lone amtrac after unfortunately driving over a mine. The only time anybody ever rode inside of an amtrac was when being deployed from a ship's well deck.

Another picture of a sole amtrac after a sapper tossed a satchel charge inside. C4 packed in a back pack completely destroyed this amtrac

<----Picture taken near DaNang with Marble Mountain seen in the distance. 3rd Amtrac Battalion was about 7 miles south east of DaNang

Picture of Nui Kim Son -- the ville outside our battalion's gate. Standing in this pic is Jim Meehan who was with 3rd Amtracs and who I also owe thanks for sending me some of these fine pics--------->

Another picture of the rice paddies outside Nui Kim Son Ville. Also seen is one of their water buffalos; something they valued so highly that life itself could be secondary to that possesion.

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On January 1998
Copyright © 1998, Roy E. Stanford.